
Showing posts from August, 2021

Tea Tree Oil for Face Skin Whitening & Curing Acne

  Tea Tree Oil is nothing but an essential oil, which has various benefits for the skin. This oil is derived from the leaves and stem of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree. This has an amazing benefit that you can use it as a spot treatment. Also, Tea tree oil for skin has much more benefits including, Tea Tree Oil Benefits & Uses for Skin & Face Reduces Acne Cures Dermatitis Heals Infections and Scars Removes Pimples Fight & Prevent breakouts Brighten the Skin Tea Tree oil plays a vital role in beauty products that are used for faces and skincare. This oil helps to keep the skin healthy. How? It contains antivirus, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Usually, people use this oil to treat acne, scars, and pimples. But, it is often effective to treat infections also. Let’s look at the other benefits of using tea tree oil individually. Check out our  health benefits of tea tree oil  summarising all beauty and wellness uses. Skin Whitening Many people are

5 Ways to make your lips look fuller

  So there are times when you see yourself staring at pictures in those glossy fashion magazines or billboards that have the pictures of actress drinking fruit juice in seductive manner and you find yourself thinking why can’t I have those bigger and fuller lips? While many are aware that a lot of those are usually airbrushed and seem to be more enticing and engaging than in real life, there are many ways you too can achieve those fuller looking lips and that too naturally without any lip enhancers. 1. Exfoliate your lips daily, with a toothbrush by gently moving the bristles in small concentric circles all over your lips. Exfoliation helps the blood to move easily in the areas of your lips which helps to look slightly bigger. However, make sure do not put on a lot of pressure, just gently move the bristles. 2. Avoid dark colored lipsticks or glosses as that will actually make your lips look smaller. Instead, choose a lighter shade with a dash of shiny finish to reflect light which wil

Beauty Tips Every Girl Must Know

Girl love beauty tips and are always on the lookout for get-gorgeous tricks that will make your hair shinier and skin flawless. We have the round up of some of the best beauty tricks every woman must know 1) Use green tea for beauty Besides being a miraculous detox drink, green tea can be miraculous for your skin too. Green tea bags help in reducing swelling and stiffening the skin. When placed over closed eyes, the cooled tea bags can act wonders in getting rid of those disappointing dark circles. Try it and you will know. 2) Sweet almond oil to remove lipstick A long lasting lipstick is a bliss for a long working day, but the simple idea of removing it, hassles us. Take this simple tip for getting rid of it by simply drizzling some sweet almond oil over a cotton ball and dabbing it over your lips. Super cheap when compared to those expensive make up removers, this tip is a win-win for sure. 3) Buy non-condogenic products There are a lot of things associated with teenage, which makes